Tentative Lecture and Lab Schedule
Week #1 Getting to Know You, the Periodic Table; Lab #1 check-in, density (oil and water with food color)
Week #2 Matter, chemical/physical changes; Lab #2 elephant toothpaste
Week #3 Guest speaker from FFAC; Lab #3 climate change: ocean acidification-lab simulations
Week #4 The chemistry of fermentation, review for the exam; Lab #4 making alcohol
Week #5 Exam 1; Lab #5 calorie (dry lab) & handout to the field trip
Week #6 Field trip to the museum (Lab #6)
Week #7 Kitchen chemistry-flavor chemistry; Lab #7 making ester
Week #8 Hydrocarbons; Lab #8 making polymers
Week #9 Lewis structures, review for Exam 2; Lab #9 molecular modeling (dry lab)- the Arts and Chemistry
Week #10 Exam 2
Week #11 Food additives, medicinal chemistry, review for exam 3; Lab #10 making Aspirin
Week #12 Exam 3